Professional Liability Defense Lawyers With Extensive Trial Experience
Professional individuals purchase liability insurance to protect and indemnify themselves financially should a negligence claim arise. When a party has been accused of professional malpractice, he or she faces a wide range of negative implications if found negligent. As the provider of liability insurance, your company risks the substantial financial loss if the plaintiff proves victorious. Luckily, in these cases, the burden of proof lies on the claimant to show that a professional standard of care or duty was breached. This does not mean these cases are without risks.
Protecting Insurers From Professional Liability Claims
Lawler • Leandro, provides comprehensive liability defense for a variety of claims involving a range of professionals. Serving clients throughout the Rio Grande, our firm places a special emphasis on insurance defense and has a solid record of obtaining favorable outcomes. Led by our founding attorney Marion Lawler, we have an in-depth understanding of errors and omissions policies and are prepared to quickly disprove erroneous claims. When called for, our law firm uses our extensive network of experts to provide supporting testimony on your client’s behalf.
Comprehensive Liability Representation Across A Range Of Professions
Lawler • Leandro represents insurance companies and their professional clients, including:
- Doctors
- Dentists
- Lawyers
- Architects
- Engineers
- Accountants
- Information technology professionals
- Real estate professionals
- Corporate officers
- Business owners
Our firm works with carriers and insureds to resolve a number of professional liability claims such as:
- Claims of negligence
- Misrepresentation
- Professional misconduct
- Violation of good faith
- Inaccurate advice
- Contract disputes
Skilled Insurance Defense Attorneys Protecting Your Insured’s License
Lawler • Leandro, has a strong history of obtaining legal victories for major carriers and their insureds throughout the South Texas border region. To learn more about our services, contact our firm online or by phone at 956-720-0790 and ask to speak with a professional liability defense attorney.
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